I am an active member in the Cuyahoga Valley Photographic Society http://www.cvps.org/. For the 2008 Annual Photography Contest, I was honored with a First Place win in the catagory: People & Activities in the Park.
Thanks to my gorgous little subject, Grace (see "Grace" blog entry), for her help! I was very excited to win this particular catagory because of my portrait work.
The Cuyahoga Valley National Park has a special place in my heart. I am a member of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park Association http://www.cvnpa.org/ and a true advocate. How many people can say they have a National Park in their "backyard?" Get out their and enjoy what's ours. Learn about the Great Blue Heron - go for a hike or a bike ride! Ride the Scenic Railroad http://www.cvsr.com/! In a world that gas prices rule our life, get out of your car and enjoy the natural world that surrounds you!!
First Place - "A State of Grace" / People & Activities in the Park